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■ Introduction

Why UniswapV2 Does matter?

  1. A lot of AMM’s are a fork of Uniswap V2
  2. Understanding V2 is lead to understanding V3
  3. DeFi and Dex will be the finance future so, you should understand.


In order to follow along, it is recommendable to have the following knowledge:

  1. General understanding of the Solidity
  2. General understanding of the DeFi and Liquidity pool and how to work it?

If you are new to DeFi, look at these resources

Features of this article

  1. You can understand deeply of each function one by one.

✅ I created the diagram of V2 functions.

Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 15.16.26.png

📝 All function pages are present. 🗺 Please look for them


  1. If you no longer understand the code, you can search

①Pushing the Ctrl + P ② Fill in the function’s name ③ Click target page